Source code for fluprodia.fluid_property_diagram

# -*- coding: utf-8

"""Module for fluid property diagram creation.

This file is part of project fluprodia ( It's
copyrighted by the contributors recorded in the version control history of the
file, available from its original location

SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
import json
import os

import CoolProp as CP
import numpy as np

from fluprodia import __version__

def _beautiful_unit_string(unit):
    r"""Convert unit fractions to latex.

    unit : str
        Value of unit for input, e.g. :code:`m^3/kg`.

    unit : str
        Value of unit for output, e.g. :code:`$\frac{m^3}{kg}$`.
    if '/' in unit:
        numerator = unit.split('/')[0]
        denominator = unit.split('/')[1]
        unit = '$\\frac{' + numerator + '}{' + denominator + '}$'

    return unit

def _isolines_log(val_min, val_max):
    """Generate default logarithmic isolines.

    val_min : float
        Minimum value for isoline range.

    val_max : float
        Maximum value for isoline range.

    arr : ndarray
        numpy array with logarithmically spaced values starting from the
        minimum value going to the maximum value in steps of :code:`1ek`,
        :code:`2ek` and :code:`5ek`.
    arr = [val_min]
    digits = int(np.floor(np.log10(val_min)))
    while arr[-1] < val_max:
        arr += [1 * 10 ** digits]
        arr += [2 * 10 ** digits]
        arr += [5 * 10 ** digits]
        digits += 1

    arr = np.unique(np.asarray(arr + [val_max]))
    return arr[(arr >= val_min) & (arr <= val_max)]

[docs] class FluidPropertyDiagram: u"""Short summary. Parameters ---------- fluid : str Fluid for diagram. width : float Width of all diagrams (default value: :code:`width=16.0`). height : float Height of all diagrams (default value: :code:`height=10.0`). Example ------- This is a small example of how to create a fluid property dataset for water and export to Ts-, hs- and logph-diagram. >>> from fluprodia import FluidPropertyDiagram >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import numpy as np >>> diagram = FluidPropertyDiagram('water') After object creation it is possible to specify isolines. There are deault isolines available, but these might not suit your requirements. We will define temperature and enthalpy isolines for this case. Before that, we need to specify the units if we do not want to use SI units. For available units see the :py:meth:`fluprodia.fluid_property_diagram.FluidPropertyDiagram.set_unit_system` documentation. >>> diagram.set_unit_system(T='°C', p='MPa', s='kJ/kgK', h='kJ/kg') >>> iso_T = np.arange(50, 701, 50) >>> iso_h = np.arange(0, 3601, 200) >>> diagram.set_isolines(T=iso_T, h=iso_h) Now we can calculate the diagram data and create the diagram, the data should be plotted to. If you want to plot additional data to your diagram, first call the `draw_isolines` method, and then plot your data. >>> diagram.calc_isolines() After that it is possible to specify the view range of the plot and draw the isolines of a specific type of diagram. Last step is to export your diagram. Any file format supported by matplotlib is possible. >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) >>> diagram.draw_isolines(diagram_type='Ts', fig=fig, ax=ax, x_min=0, x_max=8, y_min=0, y_max=700) >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> fig.savefig('Ts_Diagramm.pdf') If we want to create a different diagram, e.g. hs-diagram, it is not necessary to recalculate the isolines. Instead, create a new figure and draw the isolines for a different diagram. >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(8, 5)) >>> diagram.draw_isolines(diagram_type='hs', fig=fig, ax=ax, x_min=0, x_max=8, y_min=0, y_max=3600) >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> fig.savefig('hs_Diagramm.pdf') >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=(8, 5)) >>> diagram.draw_isolines(diagram_type='logph', fig=fig, ax=ax, x_min=0, x_max=3600, y_min=1e-2, y_max=5e2) >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> fig.savefig('logph_Diagramm.pdf') It is also possible to specify/modify the isolines to plot. For example, the lines of constant specific enthalpy should be plotted in red color and with a linewidth of 2. Also, the lines of constant specific volumen should not be plotted at all. For more information see the :py:meth:`fluprodia.fluid_property_diagram.FluidPropertyDiagram.draw_isolines` method. >>> fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) >>> diagram.draw_isolines( ... diagram_type='Ts', fig=fig, ax=ax, ... isoline_data={ ... 'h': { ... 'values': iso_h, ... 'style': {'linewidth': 2, 'color': '#ff0000'} ... }, 'v': {'values': np.array([])}}, ... x_min=0, x_max=8, y_min=0, y_max=700 ... ) >>> plt.tight_layout() >>> fig.savefig('Ts_Diagramm.pdf') It is also possible to export the data of a diagram: >>> diagram.to_json("./tmp/water.json") """ def __init__(self, fluid): u"""Create a FluidPropertyDiagram object. Parameters ---------- fluid : str Fluid for diagram. width : float Width of all diagrams (default value: :code:`width=16.0`). height : float Height of all diagrams (default value: :code:`height=10.0`). """ self.fluid = fluid self.state = CP.AbstractState('HEOS', self.fluid) self.converters = {} self.converters['p'] = { 'Pa': 1, 'hPa': 1e2, 'mbar': 1e2, 'psi': 6894.7572931783, 'kPa': 1e3, 'bar': 1e5, 'MPa': 1e6 } self.converters['T'] = { 'K': [0, 1], '°C': [273.15, 1], '°F': [459.67, 5 / 9] } self.converters['s'] = {'J/kgK': 1, 'kJ/kgK': 1e3, 'MJ/kgK': 1e6} self.converters['h'] = {'J/kg': 1, 'kJ/kg': 1e3, 'MJ/kg': 1e6} self.converters['v'] = {'m^3/kg': 1, 'l/kg': 1e-3} self.converters['Q'] = {'-': 1, '%': 0.01} self.units = { 'p': 'Pa', 's': 'J/kgK', 'h': 'J/kg', 'v': 'm^3/kg', 'Q': '-', 'T': 'K', } = { 'p': 'pressure', 'v': 'volume', 'T': 'temperature', 'h': 'enthalpy', 's': 'entropy', 'Q': 'quality' } self.supported_diagrams = { 'Ts': { 'x_property': 's', 'y_property': 'T', 'x_scale': 'linear', 'y_scale': 'linear' }, 'hs': { 'x_property': 's', 'y_property': 'h', 'x_scale': 'linear', 'y_scale': 'linear' }, 'logph': { 'x_property': 'h', 'y_property': 'p', 'x_scale': 'linear', 'y_scale': 'log' }, 'Th': { 'x_property': 'h', 'y_property': 'T', 'x_scale': 'linear', 'y_scale': 'linear' }, 'plogv': { 'x_property': 'v', 'y_property': 'p', 'x_scale': 'log', 'y_scale': 'linear' } } self._setup_functions_and_inputs() self._setup_datastructures() self._setup_isoline_defaults() self._setup_default_line_layout() self._setup_default_label_positioning() def _setup_functions_and_inputs(self): """Setup lookup tables for isoline functions and CoolProp inputs.""" self.single_isoline_functions = { 'p': self._single_isobaric, 'v': self._single_isochoric, 'T': self._single_isothermal, 'h': self._single_isenthalpic, 's': self._single_isentropic } self.CoolProp_inputs = { 'p': CP.iP, 'v': CP.iDmass, 'T': CP.iT, 'h': CP.iHmass, 's': CP.iSmass } def _setup_datastructures(self): """Set up datastructures for all isolines.""" self.pressure = {'isolines': np.array([])} self.entropy = {'isolines': np.array([])} self.temperature = {'isolines': np.array([])} self.enthalpy = {'isolines': np.array([])} self.volume = {'isolines': np.array([])} self.quality = {'isolines': np.array([])} def _setup_default_line_layout(self): """Definition of the default isoline layout.""" self.pressure['style'] = { 'linestyle': '-.', 'color': '#363636', 'linewidth': 0.5 } self.volume['style'] = { 'linestyle': 'dotted', 'color': '#363636', 'linewidth': 0.5 } self.quality['style'] = { 'linestyle': '-', 'color': '#363636', 'linewidth': 0.5 } self.entropy['style'] = { 'linestyle': 'solid', 'color': '#d1d1d1', 'linewidth': 0.5 } self.enthalpy['style'] = { 'linestyle': '--', 'color': '#363636', 'linewidth': 0.5 } self.temperature['style'] = { 'linestyle': '--', 'color': '#363636', 'linewidth': 0.5 } def _setup_default_label_positioning(self): """Definition of the default label positioning.""" self.pressure['label_position'] = 0.85 self.volume['label_position'] = 0.7 self.quality['label_position'] = 0.225 self.entropy['label_position'] = 0.95 self.enthalpy['label_position'] = 0.85 self.temperature['label_position'] = 0.95
[docs] def set_isolines(self, **kwargs): """Set the isolines. Parameters ---------- p : ndarray Isolines for pressure. T : ndarray Isolines for temperature. Q : ndarray Isolines for vapor mass fraction. s : ndarray Isolines for specific entropy. h : ndarray Isolines for specific enthalpy. v : ndarray Isolines for specific volume. """ keys = ['p', 'T', 'Q', 's', 'h', 'v'] for key in kwargs: if key in keys: obj = getattr(self,[key]) obj['isolines'] = self.convert_to_SI(kwargs[key], key).round(8) else: msg = ( 'The specified isoline \'' + key + '\' is not available. ' 'Choose from: ' + str(keys) + '.') print(msg)
def _setup_isoline_defaults(self): """Calculate the default values for the isolines.""" self.p_trip = self.state.trivial_keyed_output(CP.iP_triple) self.p_max = self.state.trivial_keyed_output(CP.iP_max) self.T_trip = self.state.trivial_keyed_output(CP.iT_triple) self.T_max = self.state.trivial_keyed_output(CP.iT_max) self.p_crit = self.state.trivial_keyed_output(CP.iP_critical) self.T_crit = self.state.trivial_keyed_output(CP.iT_critical) self.v_crit = 1 / self.state.trivial_keyed_output(CP.irhomass_critical) self.state.update(CP.PQ_INPUTS, (self.p_crit + self.p_trip) / 2, 1) self.v_intermediate = 1 / self.state.rhomass() self.state.update(CP.PT_INPUTS, self.p_trip, self.T_max) self.v_max = 1 / self.state.rhomass() self.s_max = self.state.smass() self.h_max = self.state.hmass() self.state.update(CP.QT_INPUTS, 0, self.T_trip + 1) self.s_min = self.state.smass() self.h_min = self.state.hmass() self.state.specify_phase(CP.iphase_liquid) p = self.p_crit while True: try: self.state.update(CP.PT_INPUTS, p, self.T_trip + 1) break except ValueError: p *= 0.999 self.v_min = 1 / self.state.rhomass() self.state.unspecify_phase() self.quality['isolines'] = np.linspace(0, 1, 11).round(8) step = round(int(self.T_max - self.T_trip) / 15, -1) self.temperature['isolines'] = np.append( self.T_trip, np.arange(self.T_max, self.T_trip, -step)[::-1]).round(8) step = round(int(self.s_max - self.s_min) / 15, -1) self.entropy['isolines'] = np.arange(self.s_min, self.s_max, step).round(8) step = round(int(self.h_max - self.h_min) / 15, -1) self.enthalpy['isolines'] = np.arange(0, self.h_max, step).round(8) self.pressure['isolines'] = _isolines_log( self.p_trip + 1e-2, self.p_max).round(8) self.volume['isolines'] = _isolines_log(self.v_min, self.v_max).round(8)
[docs] def set_unit_system(self, **kwargs): u"""Set the unit system for the fluid properties. Parameters ---------- p : str Unit of pressure, units available are :code:`Pa, hPa, mbar, psi, kPa, bar, MPa`. T : str Unit of temperatur, units available are :code:`K, °C, °F`. s : str Unit of specific entropy, units available are :code:`J/kgK, kJ/kgK, MJ/kgK`. h : str Unit of specific enthalpy, units available are :code:`J/kg, kJ/kg, MJ/kg`. v : str Unit of specific volume, units available are :code:`m^3/kg, l/kg`. Q : str Unit of vapor mass fraction, units available are :code:`-, %`. """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): if value in self.converters[key].keys(): self.units[key] = value else: msg = ( f'The unit {value} is not available for the fluid ' f'property {[key]} . Please choose from ' f'{", ".join(self.converters[key].keys())}.' ) raise ValueError(msg)
def _draw_isoline_label(self, fig, ax, isoline, property, idx, x, y, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max): """Draw a label for an isoline. Parameters ---------- isoline : float Value of the isoline. property : str Fluid property of the isoline. idx : float Index in the array holding the isoline data, where the label should be plotted. x : ndarray x-values of the isoline.s y : ndarray y-values of the isoline.s """ fig_size = fig.get_size_inches() pos = ax.get_position() width, height = (pos.width * fig_size[0], pos.height * fig_size[1]) if (idx > len(x) or idx == 0 or x[idx] > x_max or x[idx] < x_min or y[idx] > y_max or y[idx] < y_min or x[idx - 1] > x_max or x[idx - 1] < x_min or y[idx - 1] > y_max or y[idx - 1] < y_min): return idx -= 1 if x[idx] - x[idx - 1] == 0: if y[idx] > y[idx - 1]: alpha = 90 else: alpha = -90 elif y[idx] - y[idx - 1] == 0: alpha = 0 else: if ax.get_xscale() == 'log': x_scaled = (np.log(x[idx]) - np.log(x[idx - 1])) * ( width / (np.log(x_max) - np.log(x_min))) else: x_scaled = (x[idx] - x[idx - 1]) * ( width / (x_max - x_min)) if ax.get_yscale() == 'log': y_scaled = (np.log(y[idx]) - np.log(y[idx - 1])) * ( height / (np.log(y_max) - np.log(y_min))) else: y_scaled = (y[idx] - y[idx - 1]) * ( height / (y_max - y_min)) alpha = np.arctan(y_scaled / x_scaled) / (2 * np.pi) * 360 unit = _beautiful_unit_string(self.units[property]) txt = str(isoline) + ' ' + unit ax.text( x[idx], y[idx], txt, fontsize=5, rotation=alpha, va='center', ha='center', bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='white', pad=0.0) )
[docs] def calc_isolines(self): """Calculate all isolines.""" self._isobaric() self._isochoric() self._isoquality() self._isenthalpic() self._isothermal() self._isentropic()
def _isobaric(self): """Calculate an isoline of constant pressure.""" isolines = self.pressure['isolines'] iterator = 1 / np.append( np.geomspace(self.v_min, self.v_intermediate, 100, endpoint=False), np.geomspace(self.v_intermediate, self.v_max, 100)) for p in isolines.round(8): self.pressure[p] = self._single_isobaric(iterator, np.ones(len(iterator)) * p) def _isochoric(self): """Calculate an isoline of constant specific volume.""" isolines = self.volume['isolines'] iterator = np.append( np.geomspace(self.p_trip, self.p_crit * 0.8, 100, endpoint=False), np.geomspace(self.p_crit * 0.8, self.p_max, 100)) for v in isolines.round(8): self.volume[v] = self._single_isochoric( iterator, np.ones(len(iterator)) * 1 / v) def _isothermal(self): """Calculate an isoline of constant temperature.""" isolines = self.temperature['isolines'] iterator = np.linspace(self.s_min, self.s_max, 200) for T in isolines.round(8): self.temperature[T] = self._single_isothermal( iterator, np.ones(len(iterator)) * T) def _isoquality(self): """Calculate an isoline of constant vapor mass fraction.""" isolines = self.quality['isolines'] iterator = np.append( np.linspace(self.T_trip, self.T_crit * 0.97, 40, endpoint=False), np.linspace(self.T_crit * 0.97, self.T_crit, 40)) for Q in isolines.round(8): self.quality[Q] = { 'h': [], 'T': [], 'p': [], 's': [], 'v': []} for val in iterator: try: self.state.update(CP.QT_INPUTS, Q, val) self.quality[Q]['T'] += [val] self.quality[Q]['h'] += [self.state.hmass()] self.quality[Q]['p'] += [self.state.p()] self.quality[Q]['v'] += [1 / self.state.rhomass()] self.quality[Q]['s'] += [self.state.smass()] except ValueError: continue self.quality[Q]['h'] = np.asarray(self.quality[Q]['h']) self.quality[Q]['p'] = np.asarray(self.quality[Q]['p']) self.quality[Q]['v'] = np.asarray(self.quality[Q]['v']) self.quality[Q]['s'] = np.asarray(self.quality[Q]['s']) self.quality[Q]['T'] = np.asarray(self.quality[Q]['T']) def _isenthalpic(self): """Calculate an isoline of constant specific enthalpy.""" isolines = self.enthalpy['isolines'] iterator = 1 / np.append( np.geomspace(self.v_min, self.v_intermediate, 100, endpoint=False), np.geomspace(self.v_intermediate, self.v_max, 100) ) for h in isolines.round(8): self.enthalpy[h] = self._single_isenthalpic( iterator, np.ones(len(iterator)) * h ) def _isentropic(self): """Calculate an isoline of constant specific entropy.""" isolines = self.entropy['isolines'] iterator = 1 / np.append( np.geomspace(self.v_min, self.v_intermediate, 100, endpoint=False), np.geomspace(self.v_intermediate, self.v_max, 100)) for s in isolines.round(8): self.entropy[s] = self._single_isentropic( iterator, np.ones(len(iterator)) * s )
[docs] def to_json(self, path): data = { prop: { f"{isoline}": { subprop: list(getattr(self, prop)[isoline][subprop].astype(float)) for subprop in getattr(self, prop)[isoline] } for isoline in getattr(self, prop)["isolines"] } for prop in } data["META"] = { "fluid": self.fluid, "CoolProp-version": CP.__version__, "fluprodia-version": __version__ } directory = os.path.dirname(path) if directory != "" and not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory) with open(path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=2)
[docs] def calc_individual_isoline( self, isoline_property=None, isoline_value=None, isoline_value_end=None, starting_point_property=None, ending_point_property=None, starting_point_value=None, ending_point_value=None): """Return data points of an individual isoline within. Pass the isoline type, its value in the diagrams unit system, as well as the start and the endpoint of the line. Styling can be changed using the line_style property. Parameters ---------- isoline_property : str Type of the isoline. Choose from :code:`line_type='...'`: - pressure (:code:`'p'`) - specific volume (:code:`'v'`) - temperature (:code:`'T'`) - enthalpy (:code:`'h'`) - entropy (:code:`'s'`) isoline_value : float Value of the isoline specified in the respective unit. starting_point : dict Dictionary holding the starting property and its value in the unit used for plotting the diagram, e.g. :code:`starting_property{'p': 1e5}` ending_point : dict Dictionary holding the ending property and its value in the unit used for plotting the diagram, e.g. :code:`ending_property{'p': 1e4}` Returns ------- datapoints : dict Dictionary holding the isoline datapoints for: - pressure (key=:code:`'p'`) - specific volume (key=:code:`'v'`) - temperature (key=:code:`'T'`) - enthalpy (key=:code:`'h'`) - entropy (key=:code:`'s'`) Example ------- A full example can be found in the class documentation. """ if not isinstance(isoline_property, str): msg = 'Parameter isoline_property must be specified as string!' raise ValueError(msg) elif (isoline_property not in or isoline_property == 'Q'): msg = 'Isoline of type ' + isoline_property + ' not available.' raise ValueError(msg) f = self.single_isoline_functions[isoline_property] isoline_value = self.convert_to_SI(isoline_value, isoline_property) if isoline_value_end is None: isoline_value_end = isoline_value else: isoline_value_end = self.convert_to_SI( isoline_value_end, isoline_property ) starting_point_value = self.convert_to_SI( starting_point_value, starting_point_property) ending_point_value = self.convert_to_SI( ending_point_value, ending_point_property) if isoline_property == 'v': isoline_value = 1 / isoline_value isoline_value_end = 1 / isoline_value_end isoline_property = 'D' if starting_point_property == 'v': starting_point_value = 1 / starting_point_value starting_point_property = 'D' if ending_point_property == 'v': ending_point_value = 1 / ending_point_value ending_point_property = 'D' if isoline_property == 'D': if starting_point_property == 'p': pressure_start = starting_point_value else: pressure_start = CP.CoolProp.PropsSI( 'P', starting_point_property.upper(), starting_point_value, 'D', isoline_value, self.fluid ) if ending_point_property == 'p': pressure_end = ending_point_value else: pressure_end = CP.CoolProp.PropsSI( 'P', ending_point_property.upper(), ending_point_value, 'D', isoline_value_end, self.fluid ) iterator = np.geomspace(pressure_start, pressure_end, 100) elif isoline_property == 'T': if starting_point_property == 's': entropy_start = starting_point_value else: entropy_start = CP.CoolProp.PropsSI( 'S', starting_point_property.upper(), starting_point_value, isoline_property.upper(), isoline_value, self.fluid ) if ending_point_property == 's': entropy_end = ending_point_value else: entropy_end = CP.CoolProp.PropsSI( 'S', ending_point_property.upper(), ending_point_value, isoline_property.upper(), isoline_value_end, self.fluid ) iterator = np.linspace(entropy_start, entropy_end, 100) else: if starting_point_property == 'D': density_start = starting_point_value else: density_start = CP.CoolProp.PropsSI( 'D', starting_point_property.upper(), starting_point_value, isoline_property.upper(), isoline_value, self.fluid ) if ending_point_property == 'D': density_end = ending_point_value else: density_end = CP.CoolProp.PropsSI( 'D', ending_point_property.upper(), ending_point_value, isoline_property.upper(), isoline_value_end, self.fluid ) iterator = np.geomspace(density_start, density_end, 100) if isoline_property == 'p': density_change = np.append( 0, np.diff(iterator)[::-1] / (iterator[0] - iterator[-1])) isoline_vector = isoline_value + density_change.cumsum() * ( isoline_value - isoline_value_end) else: isoline_vector = np.linspace(isoline_value, isoline_value_end, 100) datapoints = f(iterator, isoline_vector) for key in datapoints.keys(): datapoints[key] = self.convert_from_SI(datapoints[key], key) return datapoints
def _single_isobaric(self, iterator, p): """Calculate an isoline of constant pressure.""" datapoints = {'h': [], 'T': [], 'v': [], 's': [], 'p': [], 'Q': []} if iterator[0] < iterator[-1]: rising = True else: rising = False for i, val in enumerate(iterator): try: self.state.update(CP.DmassP_INPUTS, val, p[i]) datapoints['h'] += [self.state.hmass()] datapoints['T'] += [self.state.T()] datapoints['v'] += [1 / val] datapoints['s'] += [self.state.smass()] datapoints['p'] += [p[i]] if p[i] < self.p_crit: datapoints['Q'] += [self.state.Q()] else: datapoints['Q'] += [-1] except ValueError as e: pass for key in datapoints.keys(): datapoints[key] = np.asarray(datapoints[key]) data = self._get_Q_crossings(datapoints, 'p', rising) if len(data) == 0: return datapoints else: return self._insert_Q_crossings(datapoints, 'p', data) def _single_isochoric(self, iterator, D): """Calculate an isoline of constant specific volume.""" datapoints = {'h': [], 'T': [], 'v': [], 's': [], 'p': [], 'Q': []} if iterator[0] < iterator[-1]: rising = True else: rising = False for i, val in enumerate(iterator): try: self.state.update(CP.DmassP_INPUTS, D[i], val) datapoints['h'] += [self.state.hmass()] datapoints['T'] += [self.state.T()] datapoints['v'] += [1 / D[i]] datapoints['s'] += [self.state.smass()] datapoints['p'] += [val] if val < self.p_crit: datapoints['Q'] += [self.state.Q()] else: datapoints['Q'] += [-1] except ValueError: pass for key in datapoints.keys(): datapoints[key] = np.asarray(datapoints[key]) data = self._get_Q_crossings(datapoints, 'v', rising) if len(data) == 0: return datapoints else: return self._insert_Q_crossings(datapoints, 'v', data) def _single_isothermal(self, iterator, T): """Calculate an isoline of constant temperature.""" datapoints = {'h': [], 'T': [], 'v': [], 's': [], 'p': [], 'Q': []} if iterator[0] < iterator[-1]: rising = True else: rising = False for i, val in enumerate(iterator): try: self.state.update(CP.SmassT_INPUTS, val, T[i]) datapoints['T'] += [T[i]] datapoints['p'] += [self.state.p()] datapoints['v'] += [1 / self.state.rhomass()] datapoints['s'] += [val] datapoints['h'] += [self.state.hmass()] if T[i] < self.T_crit: datapoints['Q'] += [self.state.Q()] else: datapoints['Q'] += [-1] except ValueError: # for some reason PropSI inputs are way more stable here try: p = CP.CoolProp.PropsSI( 'P', 'T', T[i], 'S', val, self.fluid ) self.state.update(CP.PSmass_INPUTS, val, p) datapoints['T'] += [T[i]] datapoints['p'] += [p] datapoints['v'] += [1 / self.state.rhomass()] datapoints['s'] += [val] datapoints['h'] += [self.state.hmass()] except ValueError: pass for key in datapoints.keys(): datapoints[key] = np.asarray(datapoints[key]) data = self._get_Q_crossings(datapoints, 'T', rising) if len(data) == 0: return datapoints else: return self._insert_Q_crossings(datapoints, 'T', data) def _single_isenthalpic(self, iterator, h): """Calculate an isoline of constant specific enthalpy.""" datapoints = {'h': [], 'T': [], 'v': [], 's': [], 'p': []} for i, val in enumerate(iterator): try: self.state.update(CP.DmassHmass_INPUTS, val, h[i]) datapoints['T'] += [self.state.T()] datapoints['p'] += [self.state.p()] datapoints['v'] += [1 / val] datapoints['s'] += [self.state.smass()] datapoints['h'] += [h[i]] except ValueError: pass for key in datapoints.keys(): datapoints[key] = np.asarray(datapoints[key]) return datapoints def _single_isentropic(self, iterator, s): """Calculate an isoline of constant specific entropy.""" datapoints = {'h': [], 'T': [], 'v': [], 's': [], 'p': []} for i, val in enumerate(iterator): try: self.state.update(CP.DmassSmass_INPUTS, val, s[i]) datapoints['T'] += [self.state.T()] datapoints['p'] += [self.state.p()] datapoints['v'] += [1 / val] datapoints['s'] += [s[i]] datapoints['h'] += [self.state.hmass()] except ValueError: pass for key in datapoints.keys(): datapoints[key] = np.asarray(datapoints[key]) return datapoints def _get_Q_crossings(self, datapoints, property, rising): """Return data of Q=0 or Q=1 crossings of specified line.""" num_points = len(datapoints['Q']) distance_to_gas = 1 - datapoints['Q'] distance_to_liq = datapoints['Q'] idx_gas = np.argwhere( (distance_to_gas < distance_to_liq) & (datapoints['Q'] > -1))[:, 0] idx_liq = np.argwhere( (distance_to_gas > distance_to_liq) & (datapoints['Q'] > -1))[:, 0] data = {} if idx_gas.size > 1: if rising is False: pos = -1 next_point = -1 else: pos = 0 next_point = 1 if idx_gas[pos] < num_points - 1 and idx_gas[pos] > 0: Q1 = datapoints['Q'][idx_gas[pos]] Q2 = datapoints['Q'][idx_gas[pos] + next_point] value1 = datapoints[property][idx_gas[pos]] value2 = datapoints[property][idx_gas[pos] + next_point] data[1] = value1 + (1 - Q1) / (Q2 - Q1) * (value2 - value1) if idx_liq.size > 1: if not rising or property == 'v': pos = 0 next_point = 1 else: pos = -1 next_point = -1 if idx_liq[pos] < num_points - 1 and idx_liq[pos] > 0: Q1 = datapoints['Q'][idx_liq[pos]] Q2 = datapoints['Q'][idx_liq[pos] + next_point] prop1 = datapoints[property][idx_liq[pos]] prop2 = datapoints[property][idx_liq[pos] + next_point] data[0] = prop1 + (0 - Q1) / (Q2 - Q1) * (prop2 - prop1) return data def _insert_Q_crossings(self, datapoints, property, data): """Insert data of Q=0 and Q=1 crossings into specified line.""" rising = datapoints['s'][0] < datapoints['s'][-1] for Q, value in data.items(): if property == 'v': value = 1 / value try: self.state.update(*CP.CoolProp.generate_update_pair( self.CoolProp_inputs[property], value, CP.iQ, Q) ) except ValueError: continue s = self.state.smass() if rising: position = np.searchsorted(datapoints['s'], s) else: position = np.searchsorted(-datapoints['s'], -s) datapoints['s'] = np.insert(datapoints['s'], position, s) datapoints[property] = np.insert( datapoints[property], position, value) datapoints['Q'] = np.insert(datapoints['Q'], position, Q) for prop in ['h', 'T', 'v', 'p']: if prop != property: result = self.state.keyed_output( self.CoolProp_inputs[prop]) if prop == 'v': result = 1 / result datapoints[prop] = np.insert( datapoints[prop], position, result ) return datapoints
[docs] def draw_isolines(self, fig, ax, diagram_type, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max, isoline_data=None): """_summary_ Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.pyplot.figure Figure to draw into ax : matplotlib.pyplot.axes Axes to draw into diagram_type : str Name of the diagram x_min : number Minimum for x range x_max : number Maximum for x range y_min : number Minimum for y range y_max : number Maximum for y range isoline_data : dict, optional Dictionary holding additional data on the isolines to be drawn, by default None. These are - the isoline values with key :code:`values` and - the isoline style with key :code:`style`. The islonline style is another dictionary holding keyword arguments of a :code:`matplotlib.lines.Line2D` object. See for more information. """ if isoline_data is None: isoline_data = {} self._check_diagram_types(diagram_type) x_scale = self.supported_diagrams[diagram_type]['x_scale'] y_scale = self.supported_diagrams[diagram_type]['y_scale'] x_property = self.supported_diagrams[diagram_type]['x_property'] y_property = self.supported_diagrams[diagram_type]['y_property'] ax.clear() ax.set_ylim([y_min, y_max]) ax.set_xlim([x_min, x_max]) ax.set_xscale(x_scale) ax.set_yscale(y_scale) x_label = f'{x_property} in {_beautiful_unit_string(self.units[x_property])}' y_label = f'{y_property} in {_beautiful_unit_string(self.units[y_property])}' ax.set_xlabel(x_label) ax.set_ylabel(y_label) isolines = [ x for x in if x not in [x_property, y_property] ] for isoline in isolines: property =[isoline] data = getattr(self, property) isovalues = data['isolines'] if isoline in isoline_data.keys(): keys = isoline_data[isoline].keys() if 'style' in keys: data['style'].update(isoline_data[isoline]['style']) if 'values' in keys: isovalues = self.convert_to_SI( isoline_data[isoline]['values'], isoline ) if 'label_position' in keys: data['label_position'] = ( isoline_data[isoline]['label_position'] ) for isoval in isovalues.round(8): if isoval not in data['isolines']: msg = ( f'Could not find data for {property} isoline with ' f'value: {isoval}.' ) continue x = self.convert_from_SI(data[isoval][x_property], x_property) y = self.convert_from_SI(data[isoval][y_property], y_property) indices = np.intersect1d( np.where((x >= x_min) & (x <= x_max)), np.where((y >= y_min) & (y <= y_max)) ) if len(indices) == 0: continue gap = np.where(np.diff(indices) > 1)[0] if len(gap) > 0: indices = np.insert( indices, gap + 1, indices[gap] + 1) indices = np.insert( indices, gap + 2, indices[gap + 2] - 1) if indices[0] != 0: indices = np.insert(indices, 0, indices[0] - 1) if indices[-1] < len(x) - 1: indices = np.append(indices, indices[-1] + 1) y = y[indices] x = x[indices] ax.plot(x, y, **data['style']) isoval = self.convert_from_SI(isoval, isoline) self._draw_isoline_label( fig, ax, isoval.round(8), isoline, int(data['label_position'] * len(x)), x, y, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max )
def _check_diagram_types(self, diagram_type): if not isinstance(diagram_type, str): msg = ( 'The diagram_type must be specified as string. Available ' f'inputs are: {", ".join(self.supported_diagrams.keys())}.' ) raise TypeError(msg) elif diagram_type not in self.supported_diagrams.keys(): msg = ( 'The specified diagram_type is not available. Available ' f'types are: {", ".join(self.supported_diagrams.keys())}.' ) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs] def convert_to_SI(self, value, property): """Convert a value to its SI value.""" if property == 'T': return ( ( value + self.converters[property][self.units[property]][0] ) * self.converters[property][self.units[property]][1] ) else: return value * self.converters[property][self.units[property]]
[docs] def convert_from_SI(self, value, property): """Convert a SI value to value in respecive unit system.""" if property == 'T': return ( value / self.converters[property][self.units[property]][1] - self.converters[property][self.units[property]][0] ) else: return value / self.converters[property][self.units[property]]